We provide various consultations for starting a business in Japan.
Please use the “CONTACT FORM” if you request for our consultation services.
Type of Inquiry | Experts | Ways of Consultation | Fee |
General Information (market research, business license, financing, development of business plan etc.) | Business Consultant (Chusho Kigyo Shindanshi) |
1) Face-to-face 2) Zoom |
11,000JPY including consumption tax / 1 Expert (up to 1 hour)
Payment method |
Incorporation in Japan (Type of business entity, procedures for incorporating etc.) | Registration Lawyer (Shihou Shoshi) |
Visa (Short-term Stay for business trip at planning and preparation stage, Business Manager visa etc.) | Visa Lawyer (Gyosei Shoshi) |
Tax and Accounting | Tax Accountant (Zeirishi) |
HR, Labor, Social Insurance procedures | Social Insurance Consultant (Shakai Hoken Roumushi) |
Legal related matters | Attorney (Bengoshi) |